Jade Santana

Jade was born and raised in Brasilia, Brazil. Before becoming an actress, she first started as a dancer and her passion for performing came from there. Three years ago she made a decision to move to LA so she could start her acting career. In 2017 she graduated from The American Academy Of Dramatic Arts and became part of the 2017-2018 Academy Company. "Everyday is a struggle and it gets really hard sometimes, but there is not a single moment that I regret doing it. The feeling that you're in the right place doing the right thing is much bigger than any tough day."

I am (use a max. of 3 words to describe yourself)… I’d say determined, focused and I like to believe I’m fun to be around hahah

Acting is... the power of bringing life to things and people that are just written on a page.

My last gig taught me... how to deal with unexpected things happening on stage.

Proudest performance moment... The next few days after a show when people would get really surprised when they would find out that I was the one who played their favorite role in that play because it was so different from who I am in real life. That showed me that I was able to give life to that character and that people really believed in it.

Most embarrassing audition... Oh my God. When I did not understand the script at all and tried to read it from all perspectives I could think of. I just hoped that if I read it with confidence they would buy it. I probably didn’t make any sense but I gave it a shot! Never heard from them.

Most challenging part... It was definitely Billie from Women Of Manhattan. She got hit by her husband but found out that she actually liked it ‘cause she believed it had saved her marriage to be beaten. It was just challenging to understand where her feelings were coming from and how I would express them, how I’d be able to tell her story and believe in what she believed in.

The moment I knew I wanted to be an actor... I’ve always known that I wanted to be an actor, I just never had the chance to face it or own it. The moment that changed it was when my Stepdad asked me what I would be doing if I could choose anything and that’s when I said that I’d be on stage. That was when things changed, when I said it out loud.

Dying to work with... I’d love to work with John Krasinski or Jason Bateman.

Was born to play... My dream role is Mimi from Rent!

Learn lines by... Writing. I pretend that I’m writing a letter to someone and I know that I have it when I’m writing all of it without checking the script.

Get into character by... Physicality. Mannerisms, body language, way of walking, way of sitting, way of turning their head, where they place their hands…

Special skill I wouldn't put on my resume… Okay. I have a character that I sometimes like to let out to make people laugh. It’s a Favela boy and when I get into it, the last thing you see is a girl. It’s so weird…

Movie I can’t stop talking about... Love, Rosie. I’m always telling people to watch that.

Top three Netflix / Amazon shows in my queue… Grey’s Anatomy, Schitt’s Creek, Game Of Thrones and I just started Rise and I’m really into it!

Currently reading… Origin by Dan Brown

Car karaoke tune... Don’t Stop Believing by Journey

If I weren't an actor, I'd be... probably an architect by now. That’s what I used to do before coming to LA.

Stranger Things character that best represents me… Dustin definitely

If they made a movie about my life, I’d be played by… Naya Rivera.

Actor crush... It’s always a battle between Colin Firth and Gerard Butler.

Sign… Libra.

If I were a color, I'd be… Green.

Hotel alias… I never thought of it so I honestly don’t know.

LA spot that inspires or relaxes me… I love going to see the sunset at Griffith while drinking hot chocolate.

The best advice I ever got… That people will love you just as much as you love yourself.

You can find me at… www.jadesantana.com