Symphony Canady

A natural-born storyteller, Symphony Canady draws on her passions for communication and movement as an LA-based actor and dancer. When she's not performing, catch her rummaging through vintage boutiques, practicing yoga, or in her happy place - poolside with a basket of fries.

I am (use a max. of 3 words to describe yourself)… curious, independent, dreamer

Acting is… storytelling.

My last acting gig taught me… how fun pushing boundaries can be! I'm usually very neat and clean and for this role I had to instigate a food fight which in any other circumstance would freak me out, but stepping into my character’s shoes empowered me to let go and find the fun in getting cake shoved in my face.

Proudest performance moment… I'm honestly proud of each an every performance I give. I put a lot of energy into each role, and once wrapped I'm proud of the growth it took to get me to that point.

Most embarrassing audition… my very first audition. When I was a freshman in high school I auditioned for the spring musical and was so nervous that I cried through the whole song. I felt so embarrassed, but I made myself come back the next day. I killed it the second time around and was cast in the show!

Most challenging part... Playing Ernestine in Lynn Nottage's Crumbs from the Table of Joy was one of my most challenging roles. Not only did the character have tons of dialogue and several monologues, but she constantly flipped between being a teenager and an older version of herself annotating the scenes. Playing two characters simultaneously was definitely mentally exhausting and it took a lot of work to be able to separate the older and younger Ernestine's throughout the performance.

The moment I knew I wanted to be an actor... when I realized that acting is the only profession that truly fulfills and energizes me. I can be on set or in rehearsal for hours and love every second of it.

Dying to work with... Margot Robbie.

Was born to play... really dramatic and eccentric characters.

Learn lines by... good old fashioned repetition. Assigning physical cues, like specific actions or gestures to lines really helps as well.

Get into character by... physical adjustment is very important in my process. I have to physically feel like the character, whether it’s a posture adjustment, a physical tick, or even a just a specific look.

Special skill I wouldn't put on my resume… I have a really good sense of direction, I'm rarely ever lost.

Movie I can’t stop talking about... I probably quote Mean Girls at least once a week.

Top three Netflix / Amazon shows in my queue… Black Mirror, Euphoria, and Bob's Burgers

Currently reading… The Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp

Car karaoke tune… Diamonds by Rhianna

If I weren't an actor, I'd be... a lifeguard at the beach.

Stranger Things character that best represents me… Dustin. He's definitely the oddball of the group but he's super smart and independent.

If they made a movie about my life, I’d be played by… Janelle Monae.

Actor crush… Jon Hamm, Leo DiCaprio

Sign… Aquarius sun, Cancer moon

If I were a color, I'd be… periwinkle.

Hotel alias… Roxy Rose Lamar, it sounds like an old Hollywood starlet’s name

LA spot that inspires or relaxes me… I have a favorite spot in Griffith Park that offers a perfect view of the Hollywood Sign on one side and the city on the other. I love going up there early in the morning when its very quiet to reflect or do yoga.

The best advice I ever got… To be like water. Water is able to flow and adapt to any space, it’s gentle yet can be a very powerful force.

You can find me at… or @symphosayshi on Instagram